Tissue Thavani's, a trend of the bygone days. Thus, I suggest do not wear a tissue thavani, unless you really really have to, cos nothing else matches, and your super thin. Cos otherwise as like the above picture, and from personal experience, no kidding, the thavani will just not mould your body. It will be like a shield, stiff and unflexible, and keep moving to show your navel, skin, etc. A total pain. PLus the fact that the pleats never remain (unless you really sat on it!) , hence causing you to take an hour more to get ready.

For little kiddo's, whatever I said above doesn't count. Because they don't ahve the unconvenient body partas adolscence brings, tissue thavani's are great for them.
I suggest, if you really want the golden look, which looks great, go for the crumpled material as can be seen below (Don't ask me what it's called, no clue!). This material will give you more flex, not make you look like a baboon(especially for fat peeps), and accentuate your features.