No, this isn't another Sreya post.
I just wanted to point out the use of (What do I call it?) the sparkly disco circled borders.
If you'd asked me before I saw these images, I would definetely have said no. Especially silver circles with gold is a big no, no!
However, I now have second thoughts.
Its interesting to note that both the above thavani sets, use the circles in a balanced amount. Either just for the pavadai and blouse, or just for the Thavani. This creates a trendy look balanced against the heritage pavadai, or vice versa. So in these cases, I really think it works, and makes the overall look great.
Especially, the thavani set on the left, since the thavani is pretty much the same colour as the pavadai, to show the difference in shade, this bold border choice is great.
Similarly, the White pavadai set, needed something to look great from afar, as the photo is from a dance sequence, so the choice of the bold border in the pavaadai was great.